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USA Predictions

Writer's picture: aztribenetworkaztribenetwork

Updated: Mar 9, 2022

in brief: as I can see it astrologically, a decentralized system will continue to gain momentum, and with it, some opposing conflict. Though it will grow, there will be simultaneously side-by-side restrictive efforts. Business and marketing will become more bizarre and the public will be in a general moment of emotional confusion over right and wrong. The next few years will be about cooperation and alliances inorder to achieve particular political goals. Leadership will be gained through a less zealous/less rash and compulsive policy. The ability to hold still and forgo main interest in order to succeed in the capacity to cooperate, will be the way. To endure unpalatable conditions, and stay disciplined in one's will and one's ambition to protect - rather than projecting.

**All predictions are from using the USA birth chart, current planetary Transits, and chart of past events to gain insight into what may be to come.

March 11th ends the 'Planetary War'of Venus and Mars for the last two months. This is an unprecedented 'Planetary War,' and what ever actions that have been made these past two months, will determine the actions moving forward. I do not see the USA getting involved physically... but more about that another time...

March 17th 2022 starts Ketu's transits in the USA chart's 11th house of income, finances and achievement. This is the start of a few years of huge economic swings, and a interest in financial freedom.

mid-Oct 2022 shows the start of major business efforts and crypto increase; a turn to financial freedom through decentralized markets.

Currently the USA is in its Rahu main period of 'Mahadasha' and a Saturn sub period 'Antardasha' from December 2020 until October 2023.

Saturns sub period has highlighted a total restriction and restructuring to the business/work environment and the housing market. A huge surge of our population looking to restructure their livelihood to a more self-starter means. This also suggests decentralization of the work force and a general hunger for intellectual freedom and fulfillment- thus incorporating new technological means to do so.

This has been a time of building the structure for new financial platforms and a new way of doing business- a whole new system- getting the structure and bones of it all created. The technical piece before it all takes off. The outside restrictions has led to a inner-architectural rennassiance > both good and bad > building warfare of the furture, and building business platforms of the future.

May 2023 will start the launching of lots of health related initaitives and companies that have been born out of the pandemic; Digital health passports may also resurge or gain momentum at the same time that a decentralized system will surge in dominance. This is due to Saturn's transit in Shatabishak, there may be restrictions in health care due to a desire for compliance> health ultimatums. This is also a positive time for some major functional changes in healthcare to surface, alternative healthcare.

For governmental dominance and fear > The only angle will be 'health science' and technology. Supplying work force and companies with health benefits or for insurance companies take to more digital platform dominance. Health related topics become 'digitalized' and seasonal. The past years have been actually less about health, more about misinformation/disinformation and mental health, shown by Saturn's transit in the impressionable Nakshatra of Shravana. Actual disease and health science improvements will come in spring 2023, where what we have learned is put into action beyond 'theory.'

I see a change in our currency and transformation of how business functions starting to take off in October 20th 2023 through May 2026.

February 2023 things will quicken in pace and large risks will be taken.

Side note:January 26th 2024, week before and week after, this is a notable time

where transiting Ketu is conjunct natal Saturn in the USA chart.

2026 Rahu-Ketu: radicalism; confusion within families and the public as to what is 'true' or 'right.' Liberation from some systems of thinking while resurgence of past ancestral ways of a healthy family unit. This is a time to downsize, simplify. Some topics of 'universal basic income' activism will move side-be-side with decentralized currencies.

Resurgence of foreign extremist groups within the country and online, lower taxes smaller govenerment, major decentralization efforts; the good and the bad commingling. Groups also advocating to honor past, commemorate efforts done and trail blazers that have championed freedom. Efforts made by the government to centralize more on a global scale; i.e. initiatives in security measures in other countries, tampering

Showing the dangers of the digital world/ corruption and how centralized intelligence agencies can give a feeling of security and safety to families and your assets. So there may be scandals around seizing assets to provoke a need for protection.

I will continue to add to this article accordingly as the sky demands. Namaste!

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