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What a Time to be Alive!

Jupiter’s transit decides global trends and abundance. Jupiter is the happiness factor in the world, and rules optimism and spirituality. Jupiter is a slow moving planet, and its reach is global.

Within the time frame of Jupiter’s retrograde commencing on June 20th, fall back into debilitation in Capricorn on September 15th and then rising back to Aquarius at the end of November, we have other major conjunctions that set the stage for events to come.

What is Jupiter’s divine plan? Why did we need to have Jupiter’s retrograde to reevaluate life again?

Let’s see what comes out in the wash, shall we?

Let’s Start….

Mars is combust from now until November 29th. (Making these months HOT). Nothing is going down without a fight.

This means that the Sun and Mars will be conjunct, causing violence towards the government or people in positions of power/authority until November 29th, Leo Ascendents be mindful of accidents.

In order to understand the hot topics of this combustion of Mars and Sun, we have to look at it’s transit.

Currently, Mercury and Mars are heating up health legislation and businesses of employment in Virgo.

Before the Sun meets Mars and Mercury in Virgo, Jupiter Falls back.

… On September 15th Jupiter retrogrades back into Capricorn, sign of work and achievement, and feelings of hope dwindles on the work front and home front. We are back to what we felt this past winter, but not as bad …( Look out for a housing market adjustment.)

September 17th the Sun moves into Virgo, along side Mercury and a combust Mars. They are all now in the same sign and working together on a common mission - health.

The Sun’s annual transit in Virgo, (natural sign of disease), characterizes our annual 'Flu' season.

Mercury leaves Virgo for a hot second to Libra on September 23d, then retrogrades on Sept 27th and goes back into Virgo on October 1st. We see businesses trying to implement new strategies and working with the new legislation deadlines and possible litigations.

Mercury going Retrograde in its own sign and exaltation sign, Virgo, is not too bad, but may be intellectually overwhelming.

This is a time of much frustration.

As October starts, things just really start to make no sense. Anger, frustration and impatience take over.

This energy, hits its peak on October 7-10th, which coincides with a New Moon on October 6th.

I expect the first 2 weeks, honestly from October 1st until 20th to be a bit of a $h!+ show, as we try to stand even amongst the wobble-ings of Jupiter going direct on the 17th.

October 2nd, Venus moves into the sign of research, conspiracy theories, Intelligence agencies and near death experiences, Scorpio, and hits a peak conjunction with planet of spirituality and sudden unexplained events, Ketu, on October 10th. I am expecting random research coming out in all of October, its effects on immunity, fertility, and women’s health. All things health and employment come under fire. October 9,10th and 11th, are days of Moon transiting Scorpio, and can leave everyone confused and confounded over what to do. But this is leading us to Jupiter coming back to direct motion, so just breath and stay positive.

End of October to November, is a land of litigation. Things turn in the publics favor, as Sun, planet of Government is debilitated in Libra starting October 18th. Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and Saturn rule the sky. Venus enters Sagittarius, a sign connected with war- Litigation becomes like War. War about diplomacy, democracy or republic fought in the courtroom.

The conjunction and combustion of Mars and Sun taking us into Mid October to end of November will be on topics of women, violence towards women, business of arts and luxury, diplomacy and the judicial system, sexual affairs or phrases of ‘so and so’ ‘being in bed’ with ‘so and so.’ Possibly countries ‘being in bed’ with each other doing unethical business or unethical/ harmful strategies of ‘diplomacy’ or ‘wars.’

Lawyers and judges come under fire - things start heat up with governmental trials.

The true sigh of relief comes on November 21st, when direct Jupiter goes back into Aquarius.

Jupiter has been instigating the negativity and lack felt amongst the people for these few months as Mars points its arrow on the Sun. The warrior of nations here and abroad is being ripened to the surface, for good or bad, you decide. As Mars remains in strong positioning in the sky, Mercury, planet of communication and intellect, gets pulled along through this as physical and cyber battles of research, wits and flagrant speech are felt globally. If Jupiter, planet of optimism and abundance didn’t go into its sign of debilitation on September 15th, then people may have been blinded by optimism and procrastinate on changes that needed to be made, they would have just philosophized inactivity. Jupiter will be transiting the beginning degrees of Aquarius and end degrees of Capricorn, which all fall under one star cluster’s domain called ‘Dhanishta.’ Dhanishta is a Mars ruled area of the sky straddling Capricorn and Aquarius- a fighter and powerful social agent connected to famous characters like Diana of Wales and Marylin Monroe. Famous people will be pulling their ‘influence’ strongly through this time. But Jupiter’s whole story can only occur with the passion and fire of Mars.

Jupiter will be turning direct in motion in October to get itself moving back to Aquarius.

Some dates to watch when Jupiter is switching its motion.

Oct 12- Oct 22 with a culmination date of Oct 17th.

Don't plan anything the day of Oct 17th, it may get messed up, especially ‘fun’ plans.

Welcome any change in plans for the whole Oct 12-Oct 22, as Jupiter will be going from retrogression to direct motion.

Jupiter Direct: From Oct 17th until November 20th will be a generally good time, businesses coming back, workers feeling stronger and generally more optimism about home-career.

Jupiter Direct back in Aquarius: November 20th, we are back into a world of abundance. Just hold tight through this time.

Jupiter's Transit for All Signs

* Schedule a reading to get more insight.


Jupiter crosses your 11th and 10th house of finances and career. Areas of finance, luck, career, and home will be impacted. Welcome the unexpected around home and work life. Consider if you need to change these areas of life in order to grow more abundantly for your future.


Jupiter crosses your 10th and 9th houses of career and belief. Areas of career, home, happiness, superiors/teachers, spiritually and short & long distance travel get impacted. Consider what beliefs no longer serve you. You desire to go and travel, even simple things, get disrupted. Consider deeper spiritual practices.


Jupiter crosses your 9th and 8th houses of spirituality & transformation. Your beliefs, teachers/superiors, long/short distance travel, transformation, family, food and savings will be impacted. Expect the unexpected, avoid conflict. What needs to change that you haven't adjusted in your life. Fix it now, it's time for a rebirth.


Jupiter crosses your 8th and 7th houses of transformation and relationships. Areas of change, transformation, investments, savings, food, romantic and business relationships, you health and self-employed ventures get impacted. What is not working in your relationship? could it be you? You take in some truths about yourself and others, and see what deeper levels of change and transformation welcome you in the future.


Jupiter crosses your 7th and 6th houses of relationships and health. Areas of romance, partnership, self-employed ventures, health, loss, argumentation, and business employment get impacted. Sept to mid October will be difficult, watch your health and welcome things slowing down and letting go of the old. Focus on deep seated health issues and business complexes that are hindering you fully showing up in your life and relationships.


Jupiter crosses your 6th and 5th houses of health and luck. Areas of risk, recreation, finances and health/loss, get impacted. You weigh the risks of your investments and of any recreational activities. You are feeling lucky and think about having fun, but the world is strange and not allowing you to fully do so. Enjoy simple things and make sure that your fun investments don't backfire to your health progress.


Jupiter crosses your 5th house and 4th house of luck, risk, finances, children, home, happiness and work. You weigh the risk and things feel a bit more restrictive on the home and business front. Education and any home projects get reevaluated and you consider what home-work actually makes you happy or is worth fighting for. Find the answer then your risks will pay off.


Jupiter crosses your 4th and 3d house of home, happiness, career, education, short/long distance ventures and communication. Take care of your health in October and find a new happiness coming to you in November. Find your courage, or understand what in life is worth being courageous about. Things have to get uncomfortably, when does your the rubber hit the road- what will it take.


Jupiter crosses your 3d and 2nd houses of short/long distance travels, beliefs, communications, savings, food, family and transformation. You take a look back at what happened this past winter, reevaluating your savings and relationship with family members. Finding new ways to navigate your diet and food routine. Be mindful of being harsh with your speech and make sure you notice that things may get tough for your family, but it is needed to instigate the necessary change.


Jupiter crosses your 2nd and 1st houses of savings, family, food, transformation, self, health, partnership and self-employed ventures. Jupiter reminds you of what you really want in life. Maintain your health and your kind nature, as Jupiter may give you an edge. Be mindful that the biggest investment of your time and energy is on yourself. When you show up, the world shows up with you. Be mindful of sudden changes in all areas of life. These changes will give more abundance in the long haul.


Jupiter crosses your 1st and 12th house of self, health, partnership, self-employed ventures, loss, sleep, meditation and endings. You will part ways with the old and welcome new health and life opportunities. You didn't part ways with enough, take time for meditation and realize that the less you squander your energy on small things, the more you have for yourself. Certain expenses will be there, and you may feel like you are having to handle everything on your own.


Jupiter crosses you 12th and 11th houses of loss, endings, meditation, sleep, income, finances, achievement, friends network, children and risk. Opportunities to make money come into sight, but relations may suffer, mind your relations with children and their father figure or your relationship with friends, finances and risk assessment. You focus on what you want to achieve and then figure out what stay and what goes by November.

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